Regional bands set to do battle
Warrnambool Standard 26th August 1999 -WA R R N A M B O O L bands S.I.R. and Agenda 140 are hoping to follow in the footsteps of Piffen Yonnies and Tukan Sam by reaching the state finals of the Push Battle of the Bands.The groups came first and second respectively at last week's Warrnambool heat, and will fight it out with other south-west bands at the regional final in October. Regional winners will perform at Pushover in Melbourne in November for the chance to win time in the recording studio. Last week's heat was the second crack at the battle for S.I.R., which has been playing around Warrnambool for the past 18 months. Guitarist and singer Sam Grayson said the band had progressed a lot since last year's outing, a fact obviously recognised by the judges.The three-piece, which includes bassist Joel Goodman and drummer Matt Murphy, describe their sound as "alternative punk". S.I.R. has tentative plans to make it into the recording studio by the end of this year but for the moment the focus is on rehearsing for the Push gig. The past success of bands from the region is an encouraging sign for the band but the trio is not overconfident. "We're not really sure what we're up against," Grayson said. Meanwhile, the members of Agenda 140 are stoked about their success in the heat, which was only the band's third gig. Singer and bassist Robert Allen says the trio, which includes Matthew Lamb on guitar and Aaron Toohey on drums, played their first gig in July after forming about five months ago. Allen says the main aim of music for the pop punk outfit is to have a great time doing what they do. "The lyrics are basically all about girls, it's not really deep music — it's fun music, we like to have fun on stage." Agenda 140 hopes to capitalise on its early success, with plans to head into the studio in the next two months to start recording its debut release. Stay tuned for details of the regional final.
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